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What is Karate Jutsu?

Private Training and Seminar's Available on Request

Want to learn more about Karate Jutsu then this is the page for you scroll down to find out:

- What will you learn?

- What skills will you develop?

- Benefits of Karate Jutsu

- Brief History of Karate

- What a typical class looks like

... and so much more.

What will you Learn?

The martial arts of Japan are steeped in a rich history of tradition. The techniques practiced were tested on the battlefield of feudal Japan and have been passed down through each generation to today.


Karate (空手) translates to mean "empty hand" and is a system of unarmed combat utilising striking, grappling, locking and throwing to overcome any adversary. Our modern training also includes ground fighting made popular in the UFC and essential to be able to respond to any situation. Based upon fundamental scientific principles all our training enables a weaker or smaller person to defeat a stronger or larger opponent. 


In Karate the body is forged in a weapon and so it develops your complete fitness. It builds your cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, tightens and tones your core and improves your agility and speed. It's hardly surprising Okinawa has one of the longest lived populations in the world.

What Skills will you develop?

Martial arts training is not the same as self defence. Martial arts were designed for the battle field against equally skilled opponents which is reflected in the Jutsu aspects of our training. Karate however was originally developed as a self defence system. As a pragmatic system, our training goes beyond both the simple adaptation of martial arts for 21st century modern self defence but we also take the training to the next level; teaching more important self awareness, how to avoid conflict and above all else how not to become a victim. In addition students will study how fear will impact your body, including the chemical responses in your body, how to overcome limiting effects and how this can be used to your advantage. Most importantly as your training progresses students will learn the most powerful technique that can ever be taught, the power of survival.


Many martial arts are incomplete as a holistic method of combat, either not including grappling or ground fighting, only using throws or perhaps a handful of locks, or not striking, or focusing exclusively on striking. We provide students with every aspect of potential combat. For adults ground fighting is taken a stage further and unlike modern sporting formats such as judo or Brazilian Jujitsu looks at many of the addition combative techniques, which are root of the original ground fighting systems, to completely incapacitate an opponent beyond mere sporting context.

Fitness is also often the most common reason for adults taking up martial arts as the training is an excellent way to keep fit and most importantly it is enjoyable. It is misconception though that you must be overly flexible or strong to do martial arts, there are so many techniques and variations that anyone can do it with no use of strength just technique.


In addition you aren’t required to be a previous fitness fanatic, in the beginning of your training all your fitness training is around developing your core and building strength from the inside and then builds upon those foundations to improve anaerobic and aerobic fitness.


For those with good starting fitness we can start from your own level and continue to build on that. Everyone goes at their own pace and ability so not only can anyone join in but stronger members aren’t held back.

What does a typical class looks like?

A typical class starts always starts with a warm-up often including some fundamental Kihon (basics) and training drills. This includes calisthenic fitness exercises to build your core. 


From there it depends very much on the theme of the lesson and which students are present. As a small independent dojo we pride outselves on our ability to personalise the learning experience for each student to dramatically increase the pace of learning. 


Most lessons include some kata practice in the warm up and then progresses to spend most of the lesson working with different partners on specific techniques either as a group or specific for your grade. If the lesson focuses on a particular kata we will break down different sections and look at the practical applications of the movements (bunkai). 


We always end the lesson with a review either of the kata we have worked on or with randori (fighting) either standing or on the ground.

Each lesson also includes the practice of Ukemi or breakfalling. This is so you learn to receive throws safely and with confidence. As your confidence grows you will progress to more dynamic and demanding throws and the breakfalls required. This includes practicing the kata of breakfalls which you can watch a demonstration below.

As you develop it is essential you begin to connect the principles between techniques and realise that all techniques are linked. You must develop the timing and control of distance at multiple ranges to control your opponent whilst always seeking to exploit gaps in their defence both physical and mental and keep them off balance. You should also understand the relationship between strategy and outcome against opponents of different sizes, builds and dispositions. Finally it is essential to understand the delivery of impact and stability required in striking or throwing.

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© 2020 by Daniel Pyatt. 


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